Engineering and Technology Overview

The Engineering and Technology Pathway offers Cook High School students 3 courses to become a pathway completer. Courses offered at Cook High are Foundations of Engineering, Engineering Concepts and Engineering Applications. All Engineering classes must be completed to become a pathway completer and then must pass the Engineering End of Pathway Assessment. In class students learn graphic design for laser cutting, CNC operation,3D Modeling and printing, Computer Aided Design, Robotics, structural engineering and problem solving skills to name a few.

Community Outreach

Cook High School TSA hosts the Cook Primary School Trunk-or-Treat event each year. The idea was to bring the community together at the school rather than take students downtown. This in turn increased safety and decreased time away from class. We had a great turn out with many local businesses and Cook High School student organizations coming out to hand out candy and see the Primary School children dressed up in their costumes. Students within the Engineering and Technology program worked to design and create a community nativity scene.

Foundations of Engineering

The introductory course for the Engineering and Technology Education pathway. This course provides the students with an overview of engineering and technology including the different methods used in the engineering design process. Students develop fundamental technology and engineering literacy including Computer Aided Design and 3D Modeling and printing. Students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have learned through various project based activities while using an engineering design process.

Concepts of Engineering

The second course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will learn to design technical solutions to engineering problems using engineering design process. Students will demonstrate the application of mathematical tools, teamwork, and communications skills in solving various design challenges, while maintaining a safe work environment. Skills taught during the course include Computer Aided Design, Robotics, structural engineering and problem solving skills. The prerequisite for this course is Foundations of Engineering and Technology.

Engineering Applications

The third course in the engineering pathway. Students have opportunities to apply engineering design as they develop a solution for a technological problem. Students use applications of mathematics and science to predict the success of an engineered solution and complete hands-on activities with tools, materials, and processes as they develop working drawings and prototypes. Students will be learning the design software and using the hardware for various projects with the Shopbot CNC Router.